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How to customize a suitable challenge coin

Masa Terbitkan: 2021-10-04     Asal: Tapak

Thechallenge coinis a metal coin or commemorative medal with the logo and slogan of the organization and is held by the members of the organization. The tradition is to identify the enemy and to boost morale when the organization encounters challenges. In addition, soldiers also like to collect this. In practice, the challenge ratio is usually awarded by the unit commander to the unit members who have made achievements. At the same time, the exchange of visits between units is a gift to each other. So how to customize a suitable challenge coin? The following is a detailed introduction.

Military Challenge Coin

Challenge coin representing respect

Personalized challenge coin

Military Challenge Coin

The five major branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, federal and state law enforcement agencies, and fire departments have a long tradition of using military challenge coins. These challenge coins usually carry the logo or motto of the production unit, representing the unit’s overall image and even core values, and often Exchange, display, and collection between unit members instill a sense of pride from collective honor to the winners.

Challenge coin representing respect

The popularity of the military challenge coin has developed into a symbol of the representation of American soldiers, and it is widely used inactive, retired, and civilian-military service. Throughout a soldier's career, it will be possible to encounter and obtain a large number of challenge coins. At the same time, thechallenge coinis also used as a sign of welcome and respect to VIPs and special guests by units or senior officials. William Clinton, George Bush, Barack Obama, and even the current President Donald Trump have examples of giving challenge coins to guests and diplomats visiting the White House.

Personalized challenge coin

Semakin banyak pemimpin unit telah menyedari bahawa duit syiling cabaran yang kecil dan diperibadikan dapat membina perpaduan antara pasukan dan pada masa yang sama meningkatkan semangat seluruh unit. Tetapi tidak semua orang dalam kerajaan dan tentera suka idea duit syiling yang mencabar. Budaya duit syiling ketenteraan telah berkembang ke negara lain, termasuk Kanada, United Kingdom, dan Australia. Sesetengah jabatan ketenteraan China juga telah menghasilkan duit syiling cabaran yang sama, tetapi adalah kebiasaan bagi orang Cina untuk memanggil mereka \"duit syiling peringatan.\" \"Koin cabaran paling awal yang diketahui adalah duit syiling tembaga yang mudah, logo dan teks hampir tidak dapat dibezakan hari ini. Duit syiling cabaran ketenteraan hari ini telah berkembang dari reka bentuk yang seolah -olah mudah kepada jenis yang lebih kompleks dan berwarna -warni, yang terutamanya disebabkan oleh kemajuan teknologi pembuatan yang telah disempurnakan selama bertahun -tahun.

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